sourcehut(1) Version 0.3.4 | chicken-sourcehut User Manual

Evan Hanson

January 2021


sourcehut - sourcehut API client


sourcehut command [options …]


sourcehut is a command line program for interacting with the sourcehut API.


--access-token <token>
The access token to use when authenticating to the Sourcehut API. This must be provided for the program to work, either via this option or the SOURCEHUT_CLI_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable. New tokens can be generated from your account’s OAuth settings page. If <token> contains a forward slash, it is treated as a file containing an access token. Otherwise, <token> should be the access token itself.
-n, --max-results <count>
Specify the number of results to include when retrieving a paginated resource type.
-o, --output <format>
Specify the output format for the command. <format> can be one of j (for json) or s (the default), which generates S-expressions.
-h, --help
Display program usage information and a list of supported commands.
Display the program version and exit.



get jobs
Fetch a list of jobs.
get job <id>
Fetch a job by ID.
get manifest <id>
Fetch the manifest for a job. The raw YAML manifest will be printed to standard output.
cancel job <id>
Cancel a job by ID.
create job

Create a new job from a manifest. Creating a job triggers a new pipeline on the builds service. The new job will be started immediately, and will have access to build secrets. This command accepts the following arguments:

-f, --manifest <input>
Specify a YAML build manifest file. If not given, or if <input> is “-”, a manifest is read from standard input. Note the input YAML will be submitted as-is, without validation.
-n, --note <message>
Provide a message to associate with this job. This will appear as a description on the build’s page.
-t, --tags <tags>
Provide a list of comma-separated tags to help identify this job. Each tag must use only lowercase alphanumeric characters, or any of "-_.".


get refs <repo>
Fetch a list of references in the given repository.
create artifact <repo> <ref>

Attach an artifact to a reference in the given repository. This will upload the given file and make it available for download. This is often used to associate release artifacts with a given tag. This command accepts the following arguments:

-f, --filename <input>
Specify the file to upload. If not given, or if <input> is “-”, the file is read from standard input.
-n, --name <filename>
Provide a name for the file. If not given, the basename of the <input> argument is used. This option is required when <input> is read from standard input.


get profile
Fetch details for the authenticated user.
get audit-log
Fetch a log of activity in the authenticated account.
get ssh-keys
Fetch a list of SSH keys.
get pgp-keys
Fetch a list of PGP keys.
create ssh-key

Register a new SSH public key.

-f, --filename <input>
Specify the SSH key to upload. If not given, or if <input> is “-”, the key is read from standard input.
create pgp-key

Register a new PGP public key.

-f, --filename <input>
Specify the PGP key to upload. If not given, or if <input> is “-”, the key is read from standard input.
delete ssh-key <id>
Delete an SSH key. <id> should be the numeric ID of the key resource as shown by get ssh-keys.
delete pgp-key <id>
Delete a PGP key. <id> should be the numeric ID of the key resource as shown by get pgp-keys.


get pastes
Fetch a list of pastes.
get paste <sha>
Fetch a paste by its SHA-1 checksum. Note the response will be a paste resource, not the paste contents itself. To retrieve paste contents, use get blob.
get blob <id>
Fetch the contents of a file in a paste by its blob ID.
create paste

Create a new paste. This command accepts the following arguments:

-f, --contents <input>
Specify the paste content, which must be a UTF-8 encoded string. If not given, or if <input> is “-”, paste content is read from standard input.
-n, --name <name>
Specify an optional name for the paste.
-v, --visibility <level>
Set the access level of the paste, one of “public”, “private”, or “unlisted”. If not given, “unlisted” is used.
Create a new paste. This command works just like the create paste command, but it prints a direct URL to the paste’s contents rather than a representation of the paste resource.


get trackers
Fetch a list of trackers.
get tracker <name>
Fetch detailed information about a specific tracker. The argument should be a tracker name.
get tickets <tracker>
Fetch a list of tickets in the given tracker. The argument should be a tracker name.
get ticket <tracker> <id>
Fetch detailed information about a ticket. The arguments should be a tracker name and ticket ID.
create ticket <tracker>

Create a ticket in the given tracker. The argument should be a tracker name, and both of the following options are required.

-f, --description <input>
Specify an input file for the ticket description. If not given, or if <input> is “-”, the ticket description is read from standard input.
--title <title>
Specify the ticket title.
update ticket <tracker> <id>

Update an existing ticket. The arguments should be a tracker name and ticket ID, and at least one of the following options must be provided.

-f, --comment <input>
Add a comment to the ticket.
--status <status>
Update the ticket status. The value must be a valid status type and should be provided as a lower-case string, for example “confirmed” or “resolved”.
--resolution <resolution>
Update the ticket resolution. The value must be a valid resolution type and should be provided as a lower-case string, for example “implemented” or “wont_fix”.
get events <tracker> <id>
Fetch a list of events that have occurred in a ticket. The arguments should be a tracker name and ticket ID.


Attempt to open this program’s man page with man(1). If that program could not be executed, display this program’s --help text.
Print this program’s man page to standard output.


Commands that retrieve a list of items will always start from the most recent. The total number of items can be controlled with the --max-results or -n flag, which expects a numeric argument specifying the number of items to retrieve. For example:

# retrieve the five most recent jobs
$ sourcehut get jobs -n 5

# retrieve the single most recent paste
$ sourcehut get pastes -n 1


The following variables can be used as an alternative to command line flags. They accept the same values and are validated in the same way. Any options given on the command line take precedence.

Corresponds to the --output option.
Corresponds to the --max-results option.
Corresponds to the --access-token option.